Visual Studio Datagrid. Binding Data to The ControlGrid DisplayColumns and RowsTable Styles and Column StylesFormattingEventsSee AlsoFor the DataGrid control to work it should be bound to a data source using the DataSource and DataMember properties at design time or the SetDataBinding method at run time This binding points the DataGrid to an instantiated datasource object such as a DataSet or DataTable) The DataGrid control shows the results of actions that are performed on the data Most dataspecific actions are not performed through the DataGrid but instead through the data source If the data in the bound dataset is updated through any mechanism the DataGrid control reflects the changes If the data grid and its table styles and column styles have the ReadOnly property set to false the data in the dataset can be updated through the DataGridcontrol Only one table can be shown in the DataGrid at a time If a parentchild relationship is defined between tables the user can move between the related tables to select the table to be displayed in the DataGrid control For information about binding a DataGr A common use of the DataGridcontrol is to display a single table of data from a dataset However the control can also be used to display multiple tables including related tables The display of the grid is adjusted automatically according to the data source The following table shows what is displayed for various configurations When the DataGrid control is displaying a table and the AllowSorting property is set to true data can be resorted by clicking the column headers The user can also add rows and edit cells The relationships between a set of tables are displayed to users by using a parent/child structure of navigation Parent tables are the highest level of data and child tables are those data tables that are derived from the individual listings in the parent tables Expanders are displayed in each parent row that contains a child table Clicking an expander generates a list of Weblike links to the child tables When the user selects a link the child table is displayed The DataGrid consists of a collection of DataGridTableStyle objects that are contained in the DataGrid control&#39s TableStyles property A table style may contain a collection of DataGridColumnStyle objects that are contained in the GridColumnStyles property of the DataGridTableStyle You can edit the TableStyles and GridColumnStyles properties by using collection editors accessed through the Propertieswindow Any DataGridTableStyle associated with the DataGrid control can be accessed through the GridTableStylesCollection The GridTableStylesCollection can be edited in the designer with the DataGridTableStyle collection editor or programmatically through the DataGrid control&#39s TableStylesproperty The following illustration shows the objects included in the DataGrid control Table styles and column styles are synchronized with DataTable objects and DataColumn objects by setting their MappingName properties to the appropriate TableName and ColumnName properties When a DataGridTableS As soon as you have established the default format of the DataGridcontrol you can customize the colors that will be used when certain tables are displayed within the data grid This is achieved by creating instances of the DataGridTableStyle class Table styles specify the formatting of specific tables distinct from the default formatting of the DataGridcontrol itself Each table may have only one table style defined for it at a time Sometimes you will want to have a specific column look different from the rest of the columns of a particular data table You can create a customized set of column styles by using the GridColumnStylesproperty Column styles are related to columns in a dataset just like table styles are related to data tables Just as each table may only have one table style defined for it at a time so too can each column only have one column style defined for it in a particular table style This relationship is defined in the column&#39s MappingNameproperty If you h Formatting that can be applied to the DataGrid control includes border styles gridline styles fonts caption properties data alignment and alternating background colors between rows For more information see How to Format the Windows Forms DataGrid Control Besides the common control events such as MouseDown Enter and Scroll the DataGrid control supports events associated with editing and navigation within the grid The CurrentCell property determines which cell is selected The CurrentCellChanged event is raised when the user navigates to a new cell When the user navigates to a new table through parent/child relations the Navigate event is raised The BackButtonClick event is raised when the user clicks the back button when the user is viewing a child table and the ShowParentDetailsButtonClickevent is raised when the show/hide parent rows icon is clicked.

Insert Update And Delete Record In Datagridview C It Tutorials With Example visual studio datagrid
Insert Update And Delete Record In Datagridview C It Tutorials With Example from

The DataGridView control provides a powerful and flexible way to display data in a tabular format You can use the DataGridView control to show readonly views of a small amount of data or you can scale it to show editable views of very large sets of data.

WPF Tutorial DataGrid

DataGridView provides a visual interface to data It is an excellent way to display and allow editing for your data It is accessed with VBNET code Data edited in the DataGridView can then be persisted in the database Example.

DataGrid Control Overview Windows Forms .NET Framework

Remarks Binding to Data To bind the DataGrid to data set the ItemsSource property to an IEnumerable implementation Each row Columns By default the DataGrid control generates columns automatically when you set the ItemsSource property Selection By default the entire row is selected when a.

DataGridView Control In C#

The DataGrid provides a feature called AutoGenerateColumns that automatically generates column according to the public properties of your data objects It generates the following types of columns TextBox columns for string values CheckBox columns for boolean values ComboBox columns for enumerable values.

Insert Update And Delete Record In Datagridview C It Tutorials With Example Visual Studio DataGridView Control in

DataGrid Class (System.Windows.Controls) Microsoft Docs

VB.NET DataGridView Examples

DataGridView Control Windows Forms .NET Framework

The DataGridView control provides a powerful and flexible way to display data in a tabular format You can use the DataGridView control to show readonly views of a small amount of data or you can scale it to show editable views of very large sets of data.