German Dab. This list of radio stations in Germany lists all radio stations broadcast in Germany sorted first by legal status then by areaExcluded from this list are Internetonly and cableonly radio stations The abbreviations LW MW SW FM DVBS DVBT DAB and DRM indicate the systems the radio station uses for broadcasting.
German Football Soccer Dab Team Dabbing Player Fan Painting By Amango Design from Fine Art America
dab translation in English German Reverso dictionary see also ‘dab‘dab at’dab on’dab off’ examples definition conjugation.
dab German translation – Linguee
DABRadio {n} [Digital Audio Broadcasting]RadioTV to dab a wound eine Wunde abtupfenmed to dab one’s forehead sich Dat die Stirn abtupfen to dab one’s mouth sich Dat den Mund abtupfen to dab paint on sth Farbe auftupfen to dab with pitch pichen dab of paint Farbklecks {m} dab of rouge Tupfer {m} Rouge digital audio broadcasting.
German Translation of “dab” Collins EnglishGerman
The DAB you’re drinking today has been a process over 150 years in the making Ever since we established our brewery in 1868 it has always been and forever will be about the beer for us Not only did we invent the Dortmunder Export beer style we laid the foundation for what modern beers taste like.
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German Football Soccer Dab Team Dabbing Player Fan Painting By Amango Design
use: development of pharmacopoeia [Cannabis for medicinal
DAB Translation in German
DAB Export Dortmunder Actien Brauerei / DAB BeerAdvocate
2021: Best Year in Germany Yet for DAB+ Radio World
Prost to the Original DAB Beer –
Meister Pils Beer VINTAGE GERMAN DAB Opener $60.45 dictionary :: dab :: EnglishGerman translation
How to pronounce dab in German
GERMAN DAB BEER Grand Prix at Paris International Expo
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German Pharmacopoeia WHO
Wikipedia stations in Germany List of radio
German EnglishGerman dictionary dab translation in
dab Translation from German into English PONS
DAB German Abbreviation Meaning All Acronyms
DAB ORIGINAL LAGER DAB Original is brewed according to the strict purity standards of the German Purity Law of 1516 High quality ingredients are all part of this brands brewing process which dates back to 1867 ABV 50% Country DE Category Import Type Lager Cans FORMAT IN STOCK PRICE 24 X Can 440 ml Out of stock $4975 6 X Can 440 ml Out of stock.