Advantages Of Line Organization. Advantages of a Line Organization Simple to work Economical and effective It also allows quick decisions and efficient coordination Conforms to the scalar principle of organization Further it promotes the unity of command In a line organization the responsibility for the performance of tasks.

9 Types Of Organizational Structure Every Company Should Consider advantages of line organization
9 Types Of Organizational Structure Every Company Should Consider from HubSpot Blog

Simple to Understand The first and foremost advantage of line organization is that it is very simple to understand and Fixing Accountability and Responsibility Another benefit of line organization is that it is easier to make someone Quick Response Time of Line Organization Since decisions are taken by the person at the top only the response time to.

Line Organization Meaning, Advantages & Disadvantages

What Is Line Organization MeaningAdvantages of Line OrganizationDisadvantages of Line OrganizationLine organization is also known as vertical organization or departmental organization This is the oldest form of organization Line organization assumes that direct authority is exercised by a superior over his subordinates The flow of this authority is always downwards This organization is based on scalar basis JD Mooney and AC Reiley introduced the idea of line organization They pointed out that “the degree of authority exists in all organization as on uninterrupted scale or series The basic of scalar organization is that in any organization there must be a series of superior and subordinates relationship from top organization to the very downward structure of organization Below are some merits and advantages of line organization or vertical organization 1 Simplicity It is the simplest form of organization and very simple to understand and implement It can be easily define and explain to all staff 2 Responsibility is fixedIn this form of organization responsibilities are fixed and defined Every person is crystal clear to whom he is answerable and who are accountable to him In this type of organization shifting of responsibility is not possible because responsibilities are fixed 3 Unified ControlGood control direction and direction is possible in line organization because of fixed responsibility Lower level personnel favorably react to simple the multiple authority 4 Quick DecisionSingle authority unified control and fixed responsibility to help in quick decision 5 FlexibilityIn type of organization is flexible in character This is capable of adjusting itself quickly to changing circumstances This obviously flows from fixed respon Following are some demerits and disadvantages of line organization or vertical organization 1 Over loadingThe executive is overloaded at each level of organization There are several things he must manage independently Here his level of efficiency is not the same that is why most of the time the organization activities suffer due to overloading 2 Lack of SpecializationDifferent types of jobs are looked after supervised and control by executive It is physically not possible for him to learn and acquire the skills of the jobs he looks into and at the same time be able to do justice to each job He cannot claim to be an expert in all types of jobs he handles Today complex business and industrial organizations need specialization If unfortunately it is not there the attainment of objectives may not be smooth.

Line Organization: Chart, Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages

What Is A Line Organization?Characteristics of Line OrganizationTypes of Line OrganizationAdvantages of Line OrganizationDisadvantages of Line OrganizationScope of Line OrganizationThis is the oldest and simplest form of the organization and is popularly known as military organization The term “Line” has been borrowed from the military administration But it must be remembered that it has no direct relationship with the modern military establishment Under this type of organization each department control is vested with one individual who is known as Departmental Head He/ she is fully responsible for running the department All the departmental heads are responsible to their immediate superior ie General Manager The General Manager is responsible to the Board of Directors who are elected by the shareholders of that business organization It is simply used to indicate the straight flow of authority resembling the line of command in a combat unit This system of organization is also known as “Scalar“ “Traditional” or “hierarchical” form of organization Characteristics of line organization are listed below 1 Line organization has direct vertical relationship 2 The departmental head has full authority to manage and control of that department 3 The operation of line organization is very simple 4 The direct relationship is prevailing between the subordinate and immediate superior 5 Each subordinate gets instructions only from his/her immediate superior directly 6 Each employee is taking decision according to the level of authority delegated by his/her immediate superior Line organization can be further classified into two kinds 1 Departmental line organization and 2 Pure line organization The chart given can illustrate the Departmental line organization In this model chart the enterprise has three departments or shops namely Foundry shop Machine shop and Assembling shop A foreman heads each department Authority and instructions pass on from the General Manager to the Plant Superintendent and from the Plant Superintendent to the Foreman and from the Foreman to the workers Under this system each employee is responsible to his immediate superior The line organization has the following advantages 1 Simplicity This system is very simple and can operate very easily It explains the tasks of every worker in an organization Even the workers at the lower level can understand the structure of this organization 2 Directness Since the authority flows directly from the immediate superior each employee knows to whom he is responsible 3 Fixed Responsibility Under this system the duties and responsibilities are clearly defined for each employee Therefore they can proceed their work without any confusion or misunderstanding Every employee knows his/her position and the level of authority vested with him/her in line organization Moreover an employee knows to whom he/she is responsible and who are responsible to him/her In this way responsibility is easily fixed Hence nobody is escaped from the responsibility 4 Unity of Command Since the workers are responsible only to one superior unity of command is made possible This line system is not without disadvantages The following are the main drawbacks of this system 1 Overloading The success of this system largely depends upon the ability of the top executive Hence this system over loads him and consumes most of his energy with the details of the operation 2 Lack of Specialization Since one man has to take decisions on various matters this system does not foster specialization 3 Inadequate Communication Though this system ensures direct communication from the top level to the lower level it provides no arrangement for communication from the bottom to the top level This may lead to wrong adjustments or wrong decisionmaking on the part of the executives 4 Lack of Initiative Since there is utmost concentration of authority in the hands of the top management the section heads will lose their initiative 5 Instability As the success of the system mainly depends upon the ability of one or two persons the whole organization shall up Some authorities viewed that “no organizational structure can be based on line authority alone and it is unrealistic to speak of a structure as line organization“ However this system can be suitably followed 1 Where the scale of business is comparatively small 2 Where the number of subordinates and operatives is less 3 Where the process of production is continuous or special 4 Where the machinery is automatic and so there is no need for skill or intelligence 5 Where the labor and management problems are not difficult to solve.

9 Types Of Organizational Structure Every Company Should Consider

Advantages and Disadvantages of Line Organization

What are the advantages of line organization?

Line Organization Characteristics Types Advantages

Recruiting and Retaining People from a wide “talent” base Reduced costs of turnover and absenteeism Improved Employee flexibility and responsiveness Building employee commitment and “discretionary effort” Enhanced creativity and innovation Improved knowledge of how to deal with different.