Abdul Malik Marwan. In history Abdul Malik known as “Abdul Muluk” or father of the king or caliph So called because their four children had become the Umayyad caliph in his place They are Walid Suleiman Yazid and Hisham Abdul Malik bin Marwan died in the middle of Shawwal of 86 AH at the age of 60 years He left the great work for the history of Islam.

Bbc A History Of The World Object Gold Coin Of Abd Al Malik abdul malik marwan
Bbc A History Of The World Object Gold Coin Of Abd Al Malik from bbc.co.uk

&#39Abdul Malik bin Marwan (bahasa Arab عبد الملك ابن مروان ‎ 646/47– Oktober 705) adalah khalifah yang berkuasa pada tahun 685 sampai 705 Dia merupakan salah seorang khalifah Umayyah di Syria yang paling lama berkuasa &#39Abdul Malik mewarisi tampuk kekhalifahan dari ayahnya dan diteruskan oleh anaknya Sepeninggalnya empat putranya diangkat menjadi khalifah &#39Abdul Malik Berkuasa 12 April 685 – 8 Oktober 705 (20 tahun 180 hari)Pendahulu Lahir 646 Penerus.

History Of Abdul Malik Bin Marwan moslem fighters

Wafatnya Abdul Malik bin Marwan Ia wafat pada pertengahan Sya’ban 86 H (Agustus 705 M) dan dishalati AlWalid putranya Kemudian AlWalid dibaiat sebagai khalifah pada hari itu juga Putera mahkota setelah Abdul Malik sebenarnya adalah Abdul Aziz bin Marwan Namun Abdul Aziz wafat sebelum Abdul Malik wafat.

Abd alMalik b. Marwan WikiShia

The rule of Abdul Malik bin Marwan بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم So the messy fallout of two civil wars (or two halves of the same civil war if you prefer) is behind us and now we come to probably the most important of the Umayyad caliphs ʿAbd alMalik b.

Bani Umayyah: Masa Kekhalifahan Abdul Malik bin Marwan

Abd alMalik ibn Marwan ibn alHakam ( Arabic عبد الملك ابن مروان ابن الحكم romanized ʿAbd alMalik ibn Marwān ibn alḤakam July/August 644 or June/July 647 – 9 October 705) was the fifth Umayyad caliph ruling from April 685 until his death A member of the first generation of born Muslims his early life in House MarwanidFather Mother ʿĀʾisha bint Muʿāwiya ibn alMughīraReligion.

Bbc A History Of The World Object Gold Coin Of Abd Al Malik

Abdul Malik bin Marwan Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia

The rule of Abdul Malik bin Marwan – Thaareekh

Abd alMalik ibn Marwan Wikipedia

Birth and LineageCharacteristicsBeginning of RuleDealing with Internal and External ThreatsConquering North of AfricaArabicization of CourtsMintage of CoinTreatment of Shi&#39asDeathAbu lWalid &#39Abd alMalik b Marwan b Hakam b Abi al&#39As b Umayya b &#39Abd Shams the fifth Umayyad caliph was born in 26/64647 in Medina Hijaz Marwan b alHakam his father was an Umayyad caliph and his mother was &#39A&#39isha bt Mu&#39awiya b alMughira b Abi l&#39As &#39Abd alMalik had 17 sons four of them alWalid Sulayman Yazid and Hisham later became caliph as well &#39Abd alMalik memorized the Qur&#39an and he was interested in religious teachings before he become the caliph He had discussions and a close relationship with hadith scholars and jurists in Medina He was regarded as a vitreous and religious man among people Abd alMalik was also called “Hamamat alMasjid” (the pigeon of the mosque) However when he came to power he refused to obey Islamic and ethical values It is said he was reciting the Quran when he was told that he became the caliph Then he left immediately and said “Now you (Qur&#39an) and I are departed and it will be the last time I see you” &#39Abd alMalik was a stingy and violent man he was not afraid to kill his oppositions His close supporters and representatives were treating just like him including alHajjaj b Yusuf alThaqafi (his agent in Iraq) alMuhallab b Abi Sufra (his agent in Khorasan) Hisham b Isma&#39il (his agent in Medina) his son &#39Abd Allah b &#39Abd alMalik in Egypt Muhammad b Yusuf alThaqafi (al When Marwan b alHakam set out for Egypt in 65/68485 to suppress the riots he appointed &#39Abd alMalik to be a caliph Marwan passed away in Ramadan in that year and people of Damascus took an oath of allegiance to Abd alMalikWhen he came to power Muslims&#39 territory was in chaos and the Umayyad dynasty was in decline In 65/685 &#39Abd alMalik faced different internal and external threats Syria&#39Abd alMalik faced two groups of oppositions in Syria 1 A number of governors in Syria were supporting Ibn alZubayr such as Zufar b alHarith alKilabi in Circesium and Natil b Qays alJudami in Palestine both were suppressed by &#39Abd alMalik 2 A group of Banu Umayya who disagreed with caliphateof &#39Abd alMalik and considered themselves worthy of the caliphate &#39Amr b Sa&#39id b al&#39As was the most important one who was promised to be appointed as the Crown Prince by &#39Abd allMalik and then he was killed after a while &#39Abd alMalik also managed to suppress the movement of Mardaites with a similar strategy Romans&#39Abd alMalik was forced to pay tax to Romans so that he would not fear any attacks from them Shi&#39a Uprisings in IraqAfter the martyrdom of Imam alHusayn (a) the Uprising of Tawwabun and the Uprising of alMukhtar alThaqafi took place in Iraq The rise of Tawwabun was defeated by &#39Ubay In the early days of &#39Abd alMalik&#39s caliphate the king of Roma broke the peace treaty with Muslims and attacked Muslims&#39 territory &#39Abd alMalik realized the danger of Romans and decided to pay tax to them he promised to pay a thousand Dinar every weekHowever when &#39Abd alMalik managed to suppress internal disputes and uprisings he launched an attack on the Roman Empire and conquered large parts of their territories as a result the peace treaty was violated Expanding Muslims territory in Africa became a political strategy in the time of &#39Abd alMalik&#39s rule In 65/685 &#39Abd alMalik sent an army led by alZuhayr b Qays alBalawi to Africa AlZuhayr managed to break the alliance between Berbers and Roman Emperor but he was killed in the battle against the Romans In 74/69394 Abd alMalik appointed alHasan b alNu&#39man alGhassani as the governor of Muslims&#39 territory in Africa He conquered the northern regions of Africa and defeated the Romans who took control of those Administrations were managed by Mawalisand Ajams (nonArabs) as a result the official language of administrations and organizations were nonArabic they were different based on their local region In some places Iranians were using Persian language and in some regions Roman and Egyptian were using their own languages As all Umayyad caliphs emphasized on Arabicization and humiliation of other languages and races &#39Abd alMalik made huge efforts to appoint Arab administrators so that nonArabs were dismissed from administrationsIn the first step Abd alMalik changed the administrations system and then he Arabicized them Then he changed the currency of Muslim territory these actions were called the movement of Arabicization In his rule Abd alMalik ordered to train Arab office employees to replace Roman and Iranian ones One of the problems of the time was the presence of different languages between different classes of society which brought difficulties in sending letters Abd alMalik realized the lack of independent currency in Islamic territory which was a subsequent monetary system of other systems including Roman&#39s he considered it as a disadvantageIn addition having different currencies plus Iranian and Roman currencies brought disorder in commercial trades Therefore he ordered to mint coins in 74/6934 Also the Islamic dirham and dinar were minted since 84/703 which was the first independent currency in the Islamic world Before the caliphate of &#39Abd alMalik Muslims used Romans and Sassanid coins for their commercial trades commonly Roman&#39s It is said &#39Abd alMalik was the first one who ordered to mint Islamic coins As it is narrated when Abd alMalik wrote letters to Roman kings he started the letters with the names of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (s) which was criticized by the Roman king he wrote back to &#39Abd Allah and warned him if he continues staring his letters with those names he would order to mint coins with curse words In the time of revolution of Medina people banished all the Banu Umayya members from the city but Imam alSajjad (a) provided shelter for the wife of Marwan b alHakam the daughter of &#39Uthman b &#39Affan in his house and welcomed her as well It made Abd alMalik have an optimistic attitude toward Imam alSajjad (a) He also consulted with Imam (a) mintage of coin was one of the suggestions introduced by Imam (a) However later &#39Abd alMalik treated Imam alSajjad (a) differently He ordered to arrest Imam (a) and bring him to the capital of his caliphate Abd alMalik b Marwan eventually died in Damascus in Shawwal 15 86/October 13 705 at the age of 60 or 65He ruled for 21 years.